Corporate EventsThis is awesome.At Tribal Breath, we offer the chance to take a step out of the usual frenetic pace to find a holistic approach to being.
Our techniques have a unique outcome for our inner game. Outwardly, the emphasis is on a relaxed, open and fun environment, using deep conscious breathing, meditation and cold exposure, we explore the edges of our human capabilities.
At Tribal Breath we live and breathe the magic of nature, nurturing our Physiology and Psychology with breath, meditation and cold exposure. This is Physics, not Chemistry as a route to health and wellbeing.
Why do a Teambuilding Corporate Event with Tribal Breath?Our approach is to return to a simpler, human interaction with the physical world: Air, Thermals, Water, Earth and Sound Vibration, this allows us to reconnect with ourselves and others.
We invite you to spend a few hours with us to change your perspective and feel the benefits. This is experiential. Try it!
As a team building event, there is nothing else like it.
What are the Benefits?Your team will come away with a refreshed attitude and a new found bond.
What Should I do?Please email us on
info.tribalbreath@gmail.comOr call Phil on